Is Cheapest always best?
Should we always sell the cheapest product, or should we look for reasons to sell a product and solution that may better fit a client’s long term need as well as one that has a good chance of not blowing up on the consumer?
Insurance needs often run longer than consumers originally think they might. Here are some things, besides price, that should be considered when working on potential sales.
What are some characteristics of a carrier/product we should be looking at?
Offers good conversion options…Good products and conversion available for a reasonable period
Has good guarantees in their permanent protection-based products
Offers unique/interesting riders or features to their customers
Premium sensitivity should be taken into account
Permanent accumulation products have reasonable guarantees and good cash out options.
What are some characteristics of carriers/products we should be concerned with?
Carriers that limit conversions to products that are not consumer friendly
Short term conversion options
Carriers that have significantly raised rates on their existing conversion products or created new conversion products that did not exist when term insurance was purchased
Carriers that have raised mortality rates on in force business and are still selling “trust me” products
Carriers with mediocre financials
Products that can’t be supported by the current interest rate environment for the long term
Contact your New Generation Marketing Manager for help picking the “right” product for your customer!